
Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if…

如果你班上的教授要求和你谈谈一个可疑的违规行为,他们 可能会怀疑你参加了违反JU政策的活动. For example, 这个问题可能是在测试或测验中作弊,接受未经授权的帮助 另一个学生或外部实体,没有适当地引用你的来源 论文或短文,或允许其他学生使用你的答案或信息 their assignment.

与教职员工的对话使他们能够确定是否存在违规行为. 这是 generally the first step in the process.

如果你确实违反了政策,你应该倾听并承担责任. If 你没有违反政策,你应该试着解释你做了什么 have been misinterpreted by the professor. An appeal is possible if the professor files an academic misconduct notification form.

如果教授还没有就这个问题联系过你,你应该联系 them to find out why the form was filed. If you were aware of the issue you should 收到学术诚信主任的电子邮件和进一步的指示.

学生有权对学术不端行为的指控提出质疑. 这是 你将在与学术主任的沟通中给出一个选择 integrity.

To have a hearing you should:

  • 收集任何能证明你没有学术不端行为的证据. 这可能包括验证作业的细节,文书工作,显示 that you were the original author of the work you submitted.
  • 准备好出席听证会或向局长提交你的陈述和证据 学术诚信,以便提交给听证小组.

当学生在挑战中失败时,将取消原课程和大学级别的处罚 will apply. 如果这是一个警告级别的违法行为,学生将被要求出席 training. 课程处罚可通过成绩申诉程序提出申诉(见目录)。.

你应该尽快让你的教授/指导老师注意到这一点 so it can be investigated. If the professor decides to submit the academic misconduct 通知表格,你可能会被要求提供一份声明作为犯罪的证据.

有许多完成培训的机会,包括一些在线选项. 然而,如有情有可原的情况,你应联络环保署署长 Academic Integrity and explain the issue. The hold may be temporarily lifted, but 是否会放回原位,确保培训在合理的情况下完成 amount of time.

Incidents of academic misconduct are not shown on your transcript. Grades in courses 可能会根据课程级别的处罚而降低,但没有说明是什么 caused the low grade.

如果这门课的罚分是F,你将不能重修 对该课程的成绩不予追究,或退学、退课一次 is established. 重修这门课是可能的,但新成绩平均为 the F in your GPA.

注:如果惩罚是作业不及格,导致该课程不及格, you may retake the course with grade forgiveness.


注册暂停也会阻止你收到所需的成绩单 for transfer. 这意味着你需要完成培训来获得hold lifted before you can order transcripts sent to your new school.

You can still change your major. The Academic Integrity policy applies to all students in all programs at JU. Even if you change majors you will need to complete the academic integrity training.

An academic integrity violation puts a hold on your account. This means that although 即使你毕业了,你也不能拿到期末成绩单的复印件 diploma until you have completed the required training. If the course-水平 penalty 结果如果你的专业要求的课程不及格,你将需要重新参加 course in order to graduate.

初犯通常会受到课程级别的处罚,并在大学受到警告 水平. 课程级别的处罚由你的教授控制,他们会的 specify the penalty in their conversation with you. The warning includes completion 来帮助你避免再犯同样的错误.

第二次违规可能会受到大学级别的传票,而且总是如此 puts the student on a watch list. This means that a third infraction may result in suspension from the university for a semester. Students who have committed a second offense are required to complete additional training.

A third offense typically results in suspension for a semester. Your dean can reduce this penalty, but in practice this is rare.

A warning is intended to make you pay attention. It carries with it the requirement 完成写作训练,避免抄袭和学术反思 integrity values.

引用意味着下次违规可能导致被大学停学 for a semester. 第二次犯罪的学生必须填写 additional training to help them avoid the mistakes in the future.

休学是指你在一个学期或一个学期内不能在学校上课. 你可以在休学期结束后返回学校,继续学习课程 your degree.

开除意味着你将被永久地从JU的所有班级中除名. 这是 a very severe penalty.

根据NCAA的要求,违规行为将报告给体育部. 电子邮件将发送给适当的体育人员和教师体育代表.

国际学生与所有JU学生遵守相同的政策和程序. 警告和引用会导致课程级别的处罚,由教授决定。 and university-水平 training to help prevent repeat offenses. If an international 学生再犯第三次,他们可能会被停学,不能再回来 to classes for a semester/term. Suspension may put their student visa at risk. International 在最后一个学期,第三次违规的学生可能会被拒绝 选择.